Rec League Evaluation Skate Sunday Oct. 6, 10pm

The Adult League at Fox Valley Ice Arena is a co-ed no-check recreational league for adult of all ages and skill sets. Based on your experience and the intensity you are looking for; 5 divisions are offered. It is a great way to stay in shape, be part of a team and continue to enjoy the sport in a fun and competitive atmosphere. Divisions offered will be determined by what season the session is in. Enjoy the game and play safe!
General Information:
- Each team must have a major credit card to register. If league fees are not paid by due dates the balance will be applied to the credit card on file.
- The League reserves the right to drop any team for deviation from the payment schedule.
- The league will attempt to work with all teams to resolve scheduling conflicts. However, we cannot guarantee all requests will be granted.
- USA Hockey rules and ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY will be enforced.
- Questions? Contact Hockey Director, John Peters, , or by calling 630-262-0690, ext 104
Weekday Adult Leagues:
C1: 18 and over, a faster paced league for players with a strong hockey background. Players in this league usually have been playing extensively in childhood or teen age years, some playing AAA, Juniors, and at the Collegiate level.
C2: 18 and over, a more intermediate paced league. Players in the C2 league are ones that have a light hockey background and played more recreationally growing up, or have been playing the game as an adult for an extended period of time. This league is meant to have a lighter pace, teams with high experience and talent players are asked to play C1, as there is a rule that no B level players are allowed.
Weekend Leagues
C League: 18 and over, a more intermediate paced league. Players in the weekend C League are ones that have a light hockey background and played more recreationally growing up, or have been playing the game as an adult for an extended period of time.
REC League: A recreational division for players 18 years old or older. This league is for beginners of the game. Players who have played less than 5 years, or have taken and extended break in playing would be suitable for this league.
Friday night 40+ League: A recreational division for players 40+. This league is for middle level players of the game. This is a no check league.
Questions? Contact Hockey Director, John Peters, , or by calling 630-262-0690, ext 104
Are you an adult hockey player looking for a team to join?
- Questions? Contact Hockey Director, John Peters, , or by calling 630-262-0690, ext 104

Individual Rec League Registration From